Seniors at Home Can Stay Engages with these 6 Activities
Some senior citizens are unable to leave their homes owing to disease or their poor mobility. The good news is that even once they are confined to their homes, there are a variety of enjoyable methods to keep aging individuals active and involved. Here are six tips from St. Bernardine Hospice Care for ensuring that an aging parent’s life is still exciting, social, and joyful.
1. Begin a Book Club
Set up a book club and invite the friends and relatives of the person you love. Each week, participants can choose and read a new book, after which they can get together to discuss the story while savoring a variety of wholesome refreshments and drinks. These gatherings can be potluck-style, and you can even arrange with your neighborhood library to have books brought right to your door. The majority of libraries also offer digital versions of well-known books that can be read on e-readers and other portable devices with Internet access. Given that text sizes may frequently be changed on-screen to suit the needs of the individual, digital books are ideal for readers who need larger font sizes.
2. Connect With Your Loved One Online
Get your loved one a Skype account or an account on any other well-known social networking site so they may stay in touch and interact with each other and with family and friends. Online games and mobile applications are another wonderful option for maintaining dexterity, coordination, and fine motor abilities. These games and apps are entertaining as well.
3. Employ an Attendant
A part-time caregiver in Orange County can assist your loved one with everyday chores like cooking wholesome meals, doing light housework, and grooming themselves. They can also do errands and provide transportation to appointments. Most importantly, a caregiver can provide your elderly loved one with consistent company, mentally challenging games, and discussion on a daily basis.
4. Establish an Interior Garden
Growing and maintaining a garden is incredibly cathartic and has several documented health advantages, such as lowered stress, preserved dexterity, and increased mental clarity. Additionally, it provides seniors a goal and something to look forward to. You can nudge a family member to grow berries on the balcony, a collection of indoor plants, or herbs. Even a relatively little space can provide an abundance of greens with a vertical garden plan.
5. Organize Frequent Game Nights
Once a week, pull out the cards and the board games and ask your friends and family to play. Among other games, your loved one can play bingo, checkers, chess, or rummy. The benefit of allowing homebound elders to socialize with their close friends and family members while being comfortable at home is its best feature.
6. Start a New Interest
Seniors who are housebound can also learn to knit, paint, or write. Do-it-yourself projects let seniors create actual, tangible things that give them a sense of success and have a lot of great advantages at this stage of life. Additionally, hobbies can maintain cognitive function and fine motor skills. Projects that are complete can be kept in the home, given to nearby organizations, or sold online. A senior citizen who is housebound can feel important and fulfilled by starting and running a profitable online business or by donating handmade blankets to a children’s hospital. Call St. Bernardine for additional details on how home care can improve the quality of life for your elderly relative receiving hospice care.