
Is A Support Animal The Right Choice For Your Loved One?

Is A Support Animal The Right Choice For Your Loved One?

If you were raised with pets, you know the bonds of love they create. Whether it was a dog, cat, or even a goldfish, you had an animal friend that offered unconditional love. It’s no wonder why so many people have pets throughout their lifetime.

Considering Support Animals for Companionship

The loving support of an animal can be a bright spot for seniors, especially for those who live alone. These precious animals become like members of the family that offer comfort and silent support. Even when your loved one is a hospice patient, their beloved pet can be a crucial part of their comfort care.

Maybe your loved one had pets in the past and is thinking of adopting another one. They deserve the opportunity to have a furry friend to keep them company and entertained during some long and difficult days and nights. It all depends on the type of animal, its disposition, and safety concerns for your senior.

What Sort of Support Animal is Best?

They say that dogs are man’s best friends, and it’s usually true. Canine buddies are not only enjoyable and good company, but they can be trained as service or support animals. Your pup will need daily care such as food, water, and walking. Seniors who aren’t ambulatory will require your help in these areas.

Many other people adore cats and will choose them over a dog. The ideal things about felines are that they are usually independent and require minimal care. Cats can supply hours of hilarious antics and are game for cuddling and napping, on their terms, of course.

While dogs and cats are the perennial support animal, your loved one may have a fondness for other small pets. Tropical birds are not only lovely to look at, but their daily serenades are a treat. Plus, many bird species can learn to imitate sounds and simple human phrases. Your senior loved one might love rodents or even small reptiles too.

Perhaps one of the simplest pets to care for is fish. Other than daily feeding and regular tank maintenance, they don’t require much more. It’s relaxing to watch colorful fish swim peacefully in their aquatic sanctuary. Many fish will even respond to their humans by following a finger against the tank.

Regardless of the pet that your loved one chooses, and it must be the right fit for them and the animal. Consider how much care the pet will need, how much your loved one can provide, and areas where they’ll need your help. The relationship between humans and pets can benefit the well-being of both.