
Caring for Your Spiritual Health

Caring for Your Spiritual Health

When you look into the mirror, you only see your physical attributes. However, you’re a complex triune being of body, mind, and spirit, and you become more aware of this when facing sickness or the loss of a loved one. Each of your three attributes depends on a delicate balance for your total well-being.

What is Spirituality?

Most people have the common misconception that spirituality and religion are synonymous. However, while religious tradition can play a significant role, it’s not the same. In fact, it’s possible to be an intensely spiritual person without being religious at all.

Spirituality is your innate search for something greater than yourself. Whether you call it God, the Universe, or your Higher Self, it acknowledges that something else exists beyond human life.

Three Ways to Cultivate Your Spiritual Side

Just as with your physical and mental attributes, your spiritual health needs daily attention. Without it, you’ll notice an imbalance that affects your entire person. Here are three ways to boost your spiritual side:

  1. Search for Higher Meaning

Have you ever peered into the night skies and wondered why you’re here? Those glittery stars swirl around the Milky Way, simply one of the billions of other distant galaxies. Yet, even as a grain of sand in a fathomless sea, your existence still has meaning.

Your spirit seeks to answer classic questions like “Who am I?” “What is my purpose in the world?” and “What’s the meaning of life and truth?” But, perhaps these questions were meant to be experienced and not answered.

  1. Get to Know Your Inner Self

The more spiritually inclined you become, the more you realize how little you know about yourself. What core values govern how you live and relate to others? Do you have convictions upon which you stake your life, or are they simply preferences?

If you were raised with religious traditions, do they still ring true to you, or did you blindly accept them? Doing an honest spiritual inventory helps you determine what works and doesn’t work for you. Accept what you need and discard ones that don’t uplift and improve your spiritual knowledge.

  1. Do Daily Spiritual Exercises

Your spiritual being also needs to be fed and exercised for optimal health. Consider meditating in a quiet place for at least 20 minutes each day. Meditation helps you stay grounded and connected with the divine. Plus, you can learn how to focus and absorb more positive energy.

Try a mindful practice like yoga or tai chi for physical, mental, and spiritual balance. You may also consider keeping a journal of your spiritual questions, thoughts, and ideas. Soon, you’ll notice a greater sense of intuition and awareness.

Benefits of Religious Traditions

Hospice encourages people to find comfort in whatever means possible, and for many people, it’s the spiritual benefits that help. Talk to a trusted spiritual leader if you have questions. Tending to your spiritual needs can help ease anxiety and restore the joy you’ve been missing.